Friday, February 3, 2017

Install Debian 8 Server

1. Siapkan PC dan DVD Debian 8 Part 1
(file Debian 8 Part 1 bisa download di sini atau versi live download di sini)
2. Masuk BIOS, ubah DVD sebagai first boot priority
3. Simpan konfigurasi tersebut kemudian restart
4. Masuk pada Menu Debian, pilih install

5. Select language               = English – English
6. Select your location         = Other > Asia > Indonesia
7. Configure locales             = United States – en_US.UTF-8
8. Configure the keyboard    = American English
9. Configure the network,
  • Primary network interface         = Eth0
  • Network autoconfig failed         = Continue
  • Network configuration method   = Do not configure the network at this time
  • Hostname                              = smktkj
10. Set up users and passwords,
  • Root password                   = 123456 (isi password root, continue kemudian ketik ulang password tersebut)
  • Full name for the new user  = alvin bintang (isi nama lengkap user)
  • Username for your account = alvin (isi nama user)
  • Choose a password             = 123456 (isi password user, continue kemudian ketik ulang password tersebut)
11. Configure the clock              = Western (Sumatra, Jakarta, Java, West and Central Kalimantan)
12. Partition Disks,

Partition method                          = Manual

Buat partisi baru untuk /root
Pilih partisi free space,
Kemudian Create a new partition,
New partition size                  = 60 GB (Isi bebas minimal 10 GB)
Tipe for the new partition        = Primary
Location for the new partition   = Beginning

Done setting up the partition

Buat partisi baru lagi untuk swap
Pilih partisi free space,
Kemudian Create a new partition,
New partition size                    = 1 GB (Gunakan secukupnya saja)
Tipe for the new partition          = Primary
Partitition setting, use as           = Swap area
Done setting up the partition

                Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
                Write the change to disk             = Yes
 13. Configure the package manager,

Scan another CD/DVD                                 = No
Use network Mirror                                     = No
14. Participate in the package usage survey     = No
15. Pada tahap Software selection, hilangkan semua tanda “ * ”, continue

16. Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record  = Yes

Device for boot loader installation    = /dev/sda

17. Finish the installation, continue. Installasi selesai.

Login menggunakan nama user dan password user

Setiap akan melakukan konfigurasi gunakan perintah su dan masukkan root password

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